Monday, November 22, 2010

Meet Me On Monday

I thought this would be fun. Even tho it is 11:13pm haha but it is still Monday :) 


1.  How many pillows do you sleep with?
Well I am about 30 weeks pregnant.. so right now A LOT haha. Let's see: My belly bump pillow, regular body pillow, pregnancy body pillow, My head pillow. So that is 4 that sounds about right.. sometimes more sometimes less.. 

2.  Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?
Um where ever we sit down at haha :) We do not have "blood family" here so it is just us or maybe with a friend that is like family... which we have had people ask us to join them.. so we will see 

3.  Would you rather go to a party or host a party?
I absolutely LOVE hosting parties and get togethers. However, with the housing we are at now on post it is very "blocky" and not a good place to have parties. So for now I settle for going to others parties or get togethers. 

4.  How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?
Oh haha this is a number I really could not tell you.. I have TONS of them.. I love purses :) 

5.  What is your favorite kind of seafood?

Well Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed it! And if so.. you should try it! 

As well as look up:
She made my AWESOME signature.. What do you think? As well as she does blog designs and has a pretty GREAT blog to boot it all! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, doll. I'm so glad you like your signature. :)


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<3 Always,
Mrs A